Taylor McCluskey - "Star God" (Album)
Hailing from Sacramento, California, Actor/Musician Taylor McCluskey is an artist of many talents.
Beginning his career at a very young age, McCluskey was able to land his first national commercial for Nestea at just 18 years old. Making the big move to Los Angeles in 2002 to pursue his career as an actor, he was mentored in both Stanislavsky and Meisner technique by some of the best the city had to offer. Building on his passion in this field, McCluskey ended up studying Film at UCLA while interning at Handmade Films. As a student, he worked on numerous film and TV projects to gain as much hands-on knowledge of the industry as he could. In addition to acting, he began developing and producing films, including his first feature film called THE MIRROR.
His artistic passion also extends to the world of music. He is the founding member of The
Maddest Of Madmen and The MFICs, in which he was the lead singer, guitarist and chief
songwriter. His current group is self-titled.
songwriter. His current group is self-titled.
Backed by his band The MFICs (which consists of 2 different line-ups based in LA and Montreal), McCluskey has produced a large body of work since 2011. In Don't Look Back produced by Marvista and directed by William Dickerson, Taylor's song 'Sweetest Angels' made its first film score appearance in the film and he also played Peyton's lover. Grinding on and developing his sound, McCluskey is ready to reveal his next work-of-art to the masses.
‘Star God’ is the 4th full-length studio album to come from Taylor McCluskey. In association with legendary sound engineer (and guitarist of his band The MFICs) Glen Robinson, McCluskey has put together 14 of his strongest originals on what he describes as “the full monty”, with each track featuring adrenaline-infused/turbo-thrus ted/magnetic-radar/ echoes of love. Musically, it’s akin to a sonic film, from the beginning, middle and end of the album. To describe it’s sound as a whole, it feels as if Stoner Rock, Pop and Country had a "love child from another planet" and the result was Star God. The album’s themes range from love and loss, Good and evil. Tracks such as Heartache and The Pain and Medicate really stand out as they deal with themes of alcohol and drug abuse, but more importantly overcoming these issues that can plague oneself.
Star God is a “Intergalactic Walkabout” album. It’s meant for people who want to escape into Taylor McCluskey’s reality, for 47 minutes. This album has everything fans of Pop Rock yearn for. Overall, it’s the culmination of everything McCluskey has worked towards and is bound to be well-received by listeners from around the globe and beyond.
Taylor McCluskey - "Star God" (Album)
Reviewed by Albert Miller

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