Ruby Topaz - "Rabbit Hole" (Album)
With influences as far-ranging as The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin and the Mahavishnu Orchestra, virtuoso musician Mark Bram and his alter ego/band Ruby Topaz bring an encyclopedic knowledge of all things rock to their signature sound. More importantly, they exhibit sincerity and devotion to their musical lineage in their artistic approach. On new album "Rabbit Hole", Ruby Topaz invite the listener along for a thrilling, electrified journey featuring fresh conjuring's of ancient rock spirits.
When asked to describe his band, lead vocalist/guitarist/keyboardist Mark Bram said: 'We have the glam and theatrics of Cooper and Bowie, the sophisticated rock of Queen, the power and urgency of early Zeppelin with the melodic prowess of early Beatles'.
"Rabbit Hole" showcases an old school approach to musicianship, songwriting, showmanship and production - real people playing real instruments, innovating in every possible way. Mark Bram's trademark high-pitched vocal range was inspired by Robert Plant and Freddie Mercury. 'I got the power from Mercury and the highness from Plant.'
Aside from being an astute music fanatic, Mark teaches Tai Chi Chuan. He studied for twelve years with Lee Wah Yook, president of The Eastern United States Kung Fu Federation, and when Sifu Lee passed away, Mark inherited the Lee Wah Yook Qi Quan system of Chinese martial arts. This discipline undoubtedly has an influence on his unique creative output.
Mark also records in his own studio, having gone on a relentless quest to secure as much authentic vintage gear used by artists like The Beatles as possible, and it certainly shows in the quality of his releases. Mark also designed the album cover, and it was skillfully drawn by his mother-in-law, Katrina Ginzburg, with help from his wife, Katya Ginzburg-Bram
Atmospheric, passionate and brimming with melody and syncopation, "Rabbit Hole" is a must-listen release for fans of rock music - 60's, 70's and beyond.
When asked to describe his band, lead vocalist/guitarist/keyboardist Mark Bram said: 'We have the glam and theatrics of Cooper and Bowie, the sophisticated rock of Queen, the power and urgency of early Zeppelin with the melodic prowess of early Beatles'.
"Rabbit Hole" showcases an old school approach to musicianship, songwriting, showmanship and production - real people playing real instruments, innovating in every possible way. Mark Bram's trademark high-pitched vocal range was inspired by Robert Plant and Freddie Mercury. 'I got the power from Mercury and the highness from Plant.'
Aside from being an astute music fanatic, Mark teaches Tai Chi Chuan. He studied for twelve years with Lee Wah Yook, president of The Eastern United States Kung Fu Federation, and when Sifu Lee passed away, Mark inherited the Lee Wah Yook Qi Quan system of Chinese martial arts. This discipline undoubtedly has an influence on his unique creative output.
Mark also records in his own studio, having gone on a relentless quest to secure as much authentic vintage gear used by artists like The Beatles as possible, and it certainly shows in the quality of his releases. Mark also designed the album cover, and it was skillfully drawn by his mother-in-law, Katrina Ginzburg, with help from his wife, Katya Ginzburg-Bram
Atmospheric, passionate and brimming with melody and syncopation, "Rabbit Hole" is a must-listen release for fans of rock music - 60's, 70's and beyond.
Ruby Topaz - "Rabbit Hole" (Album)
Reviewed by Albert Miller

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