Perfect Distro is Helping Creatives Across the Globe
All artists and creatives should consider Perfect Distro for their content distribution. Only some companies can offer what the fast-rising distro company can. In 2021, John Nichols took his talents and partnered with Vydia on a new endeavor. This comes after years of great work and pioneering the technology in the mixtape streaming, marketing & advertising space. Nichols has helped release over 1000 projects and doesn't look to slow down anytime soon.
John Nichols is always looking to push creatives to receive funding and access to their art. He has partnered with top labels like YSL, MMG, Alamo Records, Cash Money Records, Young Money, Quality Control, and countless others. Since 2014, he's been known for his exciting showcases for upcoming artists at SXSW. Nichols cites his main accomplishments with the iconic releases of Lil Wayne's 'Sorry 4 tha Wait 2' and Meek Mill's 'DC4.'
To this day, Perfect Distro has helped release over 50 artists' drop music and collect publishing royalties. The company is big on music business education and has helped create a solid foundation for many creatives career. Perfect Distro separates itself from the pack by allowing influencers to use the platform to collect YouTube revenue.
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Perfect Distro is Helping Creatives Across the Globe
Reviewed by Albert Miller

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